Desire to give yourself an advantage while playing airsoft? Well why pay for expensive upgrades or a better gun when y'all tin accept these unproblematic steps.

Difficulty: Moderately Piece of cake


  1. The most important thing in airsoft is accuracy. It doesn't affair if you're shooting long and hard if you don't hit what yous're aiming at. And then first you'll want to buy some decent BBs. You probably paid a lot for your airsoft gun so spend the actress $2 on high polished, seamless BBs. Most automatics require high polished ones anyhow otherwise they run a loftier risk of jamming. If they're seamless they're perfectly round with no holes or seams or annihilation. Existence Seamless and high polished will brand them non rub on your barrel every bit much on the mode out which causes them to wing kleptomaniacal and curve incorrectly. Merely Mode more of import is that the BBs are balanced evenly on the within. Ones that are either filled or stamped together with a seam are off residue and that can cut your authentic range in one-half! The high polished BBs instead of regular seamless ones just accept smoother edges that will make it slide through your barrel faster with less friction to slow them down. Also every bit long as your gun shoots at about 240 FPS or faster, utilise .20 gram Bulletin board system unless otherwise specified in the manual or on the box. .12s curve besides quickly in the air with very little wind
  2. Now that you're firing ammo that'southward really good, you may demand to arrange the hop up. Usually it's adjusted well from the manufactory only it's worth playing with. Basically just observe some paper-thin or styrofoam or whatsoever and describe a tiny black dot on information technology nigh 1/iv inch wide. And then stand about 50 feet from it with your gun. If it's a pistol mayhap move a piddling closer and some high powered rifles may demand to fire from further away. Put the gun in single shot mode if it'south an automatic and aim direct at the dot you drew and fire a shot then expect and burn down again until you lot've shot similar 3-5 shots. Brand sure you re-aim it perfectly in between shots, specially if the gun kicks dorsum.
  3. If all your shots missed the dot in three different directions and then it'south likely your airsoft gun just isn't very authentic or you lot're still using low quality, unbalanced Bbs. If yous were abroad from the black dot but in the same management like all three shots made holes to a higher place the blackness dot, you were either aiming incorrectly or y'all'll need to accommodate the hop up ane way or some other. The best mode to tell which is the case is to try to watch the BBs while they're flight on the fashion to the target. If they become direct, you're good. If they curve as they fly, that's what's causing the inconsistency. If you can't tell, brand sure your telescopic or other aiming device isn't crooked though and that y'all're not making any aiming mistakes. If you know it's the gun's hop up causing the problem though, nigh take a slider for hop upward aligning then only pick a direction and redo the test and if it gets closer to the dot, keep moving it until yous hit right effectually the dot without a lot of the BBs curving manner off path.
  4. An alternate way of adjusting your airsoft gun's hop upward is to purchase some .20 gram, high polish, seamless, glow in the dark BBs. Don't get the .12's, they don't agree plenty light for long enough. Offset look until information technology'due south dark outside and so head to a wide open space similar a field. If you take an open magazine that exposes the spring and the Bulletin board system, take out the magazine and polish a bright flashlight as close equally possible upward and down the row of Bbs to glow them up and so quickly load the magazine back into the gun and fire them level with the basis every bit if you lot were aiming at a person. Watch the glowing BBs carefully to encounter nigh how far they go before they bend and wing in a completely different direction. Suit the hop up lower and lower until the BB starts to drib downwardly instead of curving off in a crazy direction. If you can't become your gun to do that, as not all will be capable of it, just accommodate it until information technology curves as far out equally possible. One of my airsoft pistols straight from the factory only got nigh 30 anxiety earlier curving at a severe angle. I could almost burn effectually a corner with the thing it was so sharp. Only after adjusting information technology, it remained straight out to a little over lx feet. Also, if you switch the weight of your ammo from .20g to .25g for case, you'll definitely have to re-adjust your hop up.
  5. So now that your airsoft gun is properly adapted and firing good Bbs for optimum accuracy and speed, you should probably take the one extra step and get some silicone airsoft gun lube. You just spray it downwards the barrel and it lubricates information technology with a thin layer of silicone and then that passing Bulletin board system take fashion less friction. Technically you lot should do this before adjusting your hop upwardly merely it shouldn't touch on it too much. Plastic sliding against not very well polished metal is a friction nightmare so you can seriously add together around 30+ FPS to an airsoft gun by lubing the barrel. Do use airsoft gun lubricant, non just any hardware store silicone lubricant because it might have additives that will harm many of the internal parts. They almost all comprise propane distillates that volition dissolve plastic and turn it white and you lot don't desire that happening to your gun. In one case you've washed this, the Bulletin board system volition come out straighter and much faster because they cruised past any microscopic bumps on the inside of the barrel. One coating should concluding hours merely do reapply it if your guns have been sitting for weeks since the last time you applied it.
  6. And finally, you lot can upgrade springs but this is risky and not e'er very effective. On all airsoft guns with springs, it tin wear out the parts like the air chamber where the piston moves because it's non used to a higher pressure. On transmission bound guns, it tin can wear out other parts similar the slide because of the higher force required to pull information technology dorsum. On automatics it tin crusade a lower rate of fire and volition definitely wear out the motor faster because it has to piece of work harder to pull dorsum the bound. In some cases the whole affair won't be able to function with the new, harder to pull back bound. Usually companies put the highest powered bound they can in for the motor'due south power rating to get the highest FPS without overloading the motor so whatever thicker, tougher springs may interruption the motor. Also just taking apart some airsoft guns risks breaking certain parts of them. So in general, I wouldn't recommend upgrading the springs unless you're a real adventure taker.

Source:  instructables.com/id/How-to-make-your-airsoft-gun-shoot-faster-further/